Geometry node particles

The brief

The National Centre for Circus Arts saw our Topright logo animation and commissioned us to recreate the animation, in a very short space of time, with their logo for their 2022 gala. Again, we used Blender to create a procedural particle system to (re)form and then dismantle their logo in a loopable animation.

Wireframe vs Rendered


  • Objects – 6
  • Vertices – 291,088
  • Edges – 546,505
  • Faces – 260,633
  • Triangles – 521,266

Making it 3D

  • Creating the logo itself with three-dimensional particles would have been impossible because it has no depth. To solve this, we had to create a three-dimensional object from the logo by converting the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) logo to an object (or ‘mesh’), which we then extruded to give it depth.

Creating the particles

  • We used Blender’s newly-implemented geometry nodes to procedurally generate the cubes that would combine and divaricate to form the logo (see images below). As we created everything non-destructively, every small detail was able to be fine-tuned at any stage of the process. It was so simple that the animation was able to be controlled by four values and viewed in real-time in the viewport.


four hours later…

The product

The Results


