A new writer has appeared! Please welcome hoverbug (HB) to our undisclosed writing location.

Today we rounded off the majority of three chapters: Chapter 18 – Bad Future, Chapter 14.1 and Chapter 18 – Good Future. Confused? So are we!

Eugene and crew go back in time to make Meat Astley amend their will before they die to promise Eugene and friends their entire fortune (and future income, as any artists who attempt to make songs after Astely’s passing will be forced by THE MUSIC INDUSTRY (a subsidiary of THE SAVAGE CAPITALISTS) to pay all profits to the ‘Meat Astley Foundation’ (with a meat wagon wheel logo), as Meat Astley – having no spouse or charge – still has a 100% share in this industry.))


Our favourite quote from this week:

You thought you were hot; guess what? You’re not.


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