Based on a book called ‘The Last Canadian’ and [Redacted] says it’s pretty much just Little House on the Prairie so far!
Midway through Seagal pushes lots of people into things: for example, a door – which instantly crumbles. Halfway through, [Redacted] says it turns into Outbreak.
Seagal does some graphic design on a modern computer.
Lots of continuity errors. The daughter was going to saddle the horses and so picked up the first saddle. They were then distracted by a sound and put it down. Seagal found her and the horses were all saddled. Also many plot holes like when did Seagal have access to this particular military scientific facility in the past?
A bit of reused footage from ages ago.
A shot at the end of the military collecting the wrong flowers (the antidote). They then proceed to spray them out of the back of a helicopter and shout through a megaphone to boil them and drink that. What’s the dosage? No. Is too much harmful? No. The ground’s pretty dirty, are you sure these are still ok? No. How long do you need to take this as you said you’ve been taking it all this time? No. What’s concentration? No. Ok, what’s the active ingredient? No.
Cowboy Seagal gets a 3/10 from me. [Redacted] says 3 as well.


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