Just watched The Asian Connection (Steven being The Asian Connection). An atrocious production in every respect. The highlights being Seagal ad-libbing/mansplaining essentially veganism to his much younger wife/mistress, Seagal being a bad guy drug lord and the very few quotes (and appearances in general) Seagal makes, “I’ll let you keep your life.” etc.

The dialogue was completely flat and the characters, and the conclusions they jump to, being completely unnatural. It was very difficult to watch. Oh, I forgot to mention the awkward montage cut in with Seagal’s naked wife/mistress and fat Seagal taking out two cage fighters with one punch and the third with a wobbly kick.

I couldn’t find the budget. [AN: As is with most of Seagal’s DTV and more recent ventures.]

In home video sales the film earned an estimated $45,567.

The film was based on a story by the actor Tom Sizemore called The Mexican Connection. It was rewritten to be set in Asia.

And Seagal is dressed as Ali G.


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