Here’s all that is possible to review about Submerged (the very beginning and end were interesting, the rest not so much):
Crazy opening, lots of bad and confusing CGI and flashing lights. Alison King as Damita. Several themes going on at the beginning and throughout. Extremely poor quality drone, probably made of cardboard. Bad CGI vehicles in the beginning then they had enough budget to actually make or rent some of them later. Bad green screen motion matching. No Seagal until ten minutes in. The whole squad get individual character cards (with name, skill etc.) except Seagal. The rest was just generally bad, with lots of continuity errors in props/‘story’. Apparently, a lot of people were mind-controlled (a/the main theme), including characters who physically had no time to be! Lots of people get kicked through a bit of glass. Cut to everyone on a beach, ‘I dunno man, these taste kinda like rabbit poop to me, hahaha… remember prison?!’ Dr Chappell looks blankly, they’ve actually been activated (mind controlled) as well! Also, apart from the last bit of the film, Seagal speaks like he was on helium.
[QUOTING AN EXTERNAL REVIEW] …3/10 (and that’s generous!)


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