Geometry node particles

The brief

Topright Design commissioned us to create a three-dimensional rendition of their logo in Blender with the brief of ‘fluid’. We decided that it would be cool to use the fluid simulation tools within the free and open source 3D creation suite, Blender, to fill an invisible logo with fluid to reveal the Topright logo.

We did this, as you can see here, but we felt that now that we had a deeper understanding of Blender, we could do better. We told Topright this and they were delighted with the idea and further suggested using a simulation/particle system to transition the logo of their most recent client, Holler, into the Topright ‘t’ logo for their Instagram.

Wireframe vs Rendered


  • Objects – 7
  • Vertices – 132,546
  • Edges – 257,116
  • Faces – 127,825
  • Triangles – 255,650

Making it 3D

  • Creating the logo itself with three-dimensional particles would have been impossible because it has no depth. To solve this, we had to create a three-dimensional object from the logo by converting the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) logo to an object (or ‘mesh’), which we then extruded to give it depth.

Creating the particles

  • We used Blender’s newly-implemented geometry nodes to procedurally generate the cubes that would combine and divaricate to form the logos (see images below). As we created everything non-destructively, every small detail was able to be fine-tuned at any stage of the process. It was so simple that the animation was able to be controlled by four values and viewed in real-time in the viewport.


  • We used Blender’s real-time renderer, Eevee, which was a great relief to us (and the computer’s GPU), so instead of the 8 hours it took to render the 30 frames for the Doughnut Animation: all 240 frames took a matter of hours at a much higher resolution.

one weekend later…

The product

The Results

Jo StudiosTM took our brief and worked tirelessly on the ident. They nailed it! They listened to our needs and produced ‘gold’ due to their ‘perfectionist’ ethos. Thank you.

Nik.MDirector, Topright design Ltd.