This is a Seagal who has been wronged but still wants to help people. The opening credits are comprised of the whole cast with their names and gratuitous shots of naked women. A letter remains intact despite the heavy downpour. Seagal is found innocent thanks to ‘Project Innocence’. Seagal has a moving Speech with ready hands, ‘I don’t know why you people think that money can replace a life. There are no words to describe what it’s like when you are an innocent man in prison… I don’t believe that money can buy back m’name, my reputation, my wife, my family and all that I lost.’ Every time Seagal remembers his wife, it’s the same ‘naked woman with pert breasts giving him a creepy lap dance on a bed’ thing.

In the car at the beginning there was just one bag of money then there was guns, a body and another few bags. New Seagal (a.k.a wronged Seagal) is ok to let one person die while he creates an elaborate distraction by blowing up a car just to momentarily distract one of the bad guys. The first ‘white boy’ at 26 minutes in.

Quotes from Seagal showing this different side of his acting, such as, ‘Forget about us. Do as I say.’ Standard dirty and racist cops teaming up with the bad guys, who describe Seagal as ‘This big guy, maybe Indian?’

Seagal: ‘I don’t know if you can read Chinese but this is Chinese money.’
The other main character: ‘How did you know that?’ (Lots of telling her what to do.)

Seagal is fully accepted into a Russian brotherhood and speaks Russian to prove it. After the gunfight, where Seagal only shot one person, Seagal instantly went into ready hands again.

In the end, Seagal got a really long hug from the other main character whose only real purpose was to be shot.

It had a budget ($6,500,000) but it wasn’t well spent (the Cumulative Worldwide Gross was $166,865!)

[Redacted] gives it a 4.5, I agree.


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